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Hero Collage
Everyone has a story to tell.
Explore Our Community
Discover and Inspire Visit the Discovery section to see how others are using Kwillt. Be inspired by the diverse Patches that showcase unique life stories and legacies.
Kobe Bryant Avatar Picture
1978 - 2020 Kobe Bryant
Collaborative Storytelling Image
Connect and Share
Collaborative Storytelling Invite family and friends to contribute their memories, making your Patches a dynamic and interactive experience. Together, sew a "Kwillt" of shared stories and experiences.
Featured Highlights
Dynamic Timelines Relive and Celebrate: Create engaging timelines to showcase at family reunions, memorials, or online. Capture life's milestones and relive cherished moments with loved ones over and over again.
Family Tree Builder Trace Your Roots: Construct a detailed family tree that connects generations. Preserve your heritage and share your family's history with your children, grandchildren, and beyond.
Lifeline Instructions Plan for the Unexpected: Use Lifeline to provide essential instructions for caregivers in case of health emergencies. Ensure your wishes are known, respected, and easily accessible.
Fundraising Capabilities Support and Sustain: Raise funds for funeral costs, team events, or educational needs. Empower friends and family from anywhere in the world to support each other in times of need.
Community Building Connect with Kindred Spirits: Build a community of relatives, friends, and teammates. Collaborate to remember shared experiences, whether it's a family reunion, sports tournament, or honoring a loved one.
Collaborative Experiences Share and Engage: Work together with others to create a rich tapestry of shared memories. From photos of family gatherings to tributes for those who have passed, Kwillt fosters collaboration across physical borders.
Online Shrines Lasting Tributes: Create web-based shrines that last forever. Use QR codes to provide easy online memorial access for visitors, offering an alternative to traditional funerals and burials.
Celebratory Garden Digital Tributes: Visit the Celebratory Garden to share notes and send digital tributes to those who have passed away. Celebrate their lives and keep their memories alive in a serene, virtual space.
Chronicle Your Legacy
Craft your narrative
Chronicle Your Legacy Use Kwillt's Legacy Patch to create a personal biography that captures your life's journey. Add photos, videos, and audio files to tell your story in a rich, multimedia format that can be passed to future generations.
Tributes and Remembrance
Celebrate Lives
Tributes and Remembrance Create Remembrance Patches to honor loved ones who have passed. Share photos, stories, and memories in a dedicated digital space that keeps their legacy alive.
Secure and Personal
Privacy and Authenticity Kwillt prioritizes privacy and security, allowing you to share your authentic self with those closest to you. Your stories are protected and cherished within a private space.
Chronicle Your Legacy
Our users say this about us
Remembrance and Collaboration "Using Kwillt has transformed the way we remember our loved ones. The timeline slideshow feature, combined with the ability to collaborate with relatives to add videos, audios, photos, and stories, has made the remembrance process not only easy but also deeply meaningful. It's incredible how much time and stress we've saved by having everything in one place."
Chad Cooper
Lifeline Tool and Sharing Instructions "Kwillt's Lifeline tool has been a game-changer for our family. Being able to share detailed instructions and personal messages with loved ones has provided peace of mind and clarity during difficult times."
Melissa Held